Nice to see! This primary school from Angerlo has exchanged its chairs for deskbikes, standing chairs, balance boards and sitting balls. The students themselves indicate that it is fun to learn moving and find a 'normal' chair boring. It is also ideal for teachers, director Armanda Waters says in the article: 'If you can do your work in this way, you don't have to go to the gym. It is better to exercise during your work during the day than once a week for an hour in the gym.' To read the entire article (in Dutch), there is a link to the article below. Products in this video Deskbike Cubii Jr Fitdisc Varier Variable - Knee chair Sitting ball ABS Ongo School Balance stool Link naar artikel: Angerlose basisschool verruilt stoelen voor hometrainers...
A balance stool ensures that you can sit actively. Due to a moving seat and the absence of a backrest, you are forced to move slightly behind your desk. With a balance stool, you actually sit more unnoticed and therefore work more actively. You can easily take your chair with you to join your colleague for a short meeting or an active meeting. Caroline shows you 5 simple exercises in this Officefit workout that you can do with the Ongo Classic Balance Stool. With these short workouts you can quickly forget about your after-lunch dip! Be active during your day, and just behind your desk. Stay fit during office hours, choose OfficeFit! Products in this video Sit-standing desk S670 Ongo Classic Balance stool
Do you have a sitting ball or fitness ball at the office or at home? With this sitting ball you can do more than just sit behind your desk or sit-stand desk. A big advantage of sitting on a ball is the prevention of a monotonous and stiff posture while sitting. Because the sitting ball does not have a backrest, your body must constantly correct itself by balancing. Sitting balls ensure an ergonomic sitting position so that your abs and back muscles are always tightened so you stay active during your work. Sitting regularly on a ball makes you more aware of your posture. Without thinking about it! Caroline shows 5 simple exercises with the help of the VLUV VELT sitting ball. With this sporty and short workout you will actively get through your day, and that simply at your desk! Stay fit during office hours, choose OfficeFit....
How cool to see the Deskbike in Swedish schools. These students in class 4 at Karlberg School in Sweden describe in a publication in the newspaper the learning environments in SvD Junior, based on salutogenic approach, which means the relationship between health, stress and dealing with stressful events in life.
The ultimate vitality event for the working population of the Netherlands. Tour@Work: ride the Tour de France while you're working. Dutch company teams compete for the yellow jersey during the Tour de France. How? By having a team alternate on a deskbike while the work continues.
Aufsteigen und Abfahren! The employees at T-mobile in Osnabruck Germany are cycling this new year. T-Mobile starts with 500 Deskbikes so on each department there are Deskbikes that can accommodate colleagues. There is even a special Deskbike parking space developed. Watch the video about T-mobile and the Deskbike .
On the anti-fatigue mat behind the service desk, checking out on the Swopper, and scanning products on the Back App balance stool. With this experiment at Albert Heijn in Amsterdam, we show which active furniture fits the standing and seated occupations in the store.
Worktrainer has lent two treadmills to 3FM Serious Request this year. That way everyone with the DJs could walk in from Tivoli Vredenburg. The police and rapper Donnie, among others, have taken up the treadmill challenge. All for the good cause!
A British study was conducted by a team of researchers from Loughborough University and the University of Leeds among 146 employees of the National Health Service. "After twelve months, the session time was reduced by 82 minutes, and the employees seemed to benefit from it, saying they were less tired, more involved in their work, and experiencing an improved quality of life. skeletal system, such as back pain, reduced, and these employees were also less tense than before. " Read article
Former radio DJ Edwin Evers and his team say they feel like climbing the Alpe d'Hues mountain on their Deskbikes during their radio program. These radio heroes from Radio 538 prove that cycling and talking go well together. While enjoying delicious music, the gentlemen cycle many kilometers during their workday.
No longer hanging on your chair all day, but standing up behind a height adjustable desk. In an increasing number of offices, the standing desk is expanding. Is it really in our advantage or is standing working just a hype? That sitting is "the new smoking", Istvan Haarman (42) had heard more often. But only when the Twentse contract manager read an article 2 years ago about the harmful effects of sitting all day, that it does harm to your health, he was convinced. And so he asked his employer for a standing desk. "I was the only one in the company, so my my colleagues thought it was a little strange. Read article
'I say once again that it's not about the positive effects of exercising but about the negative effects of 'not exercising'. Most people spend the whole day sitting behind their desk. Awful! If you sit between eight to ten hours, you will lose insulin. Do not let it come this far. Sitting is already completely wrong when you do it two to three hours in a row. After a period like that you have to make sure that metabolism is getting started.'
Broadcast station RTL4 approached Worktrainer. They had a news item on Exercising in the classroom. "Adolescents get too little exercise, only 34 percent of them exercises enough. That is why RTL4 went to have a look at a school in Terneuzen, where they have standing tables and Deskbikes from Worktrainer in the classroom. The young ones say that it helps their concentration and that it gives them more exercise."
"The harmful effects of sedentary work have been regularly on the news for a few years now. Often, these messages have quite an alarming tone, especially when they are from America. If you think that this commotion will just blow over again, just as is often the case with food hypes - you're wrong. In general, sitting is not bad. But when you sit still for prolonged periods of time -more than 8 hours a day- it is harmful for your health and leads to a higher risk of death." Read article
New scientific research shows that you need to be active for at least 2 hours a day. Is that possible when you have a busy job? Certainly? Elianne, Onno and Frederique show you how.
Being a minister is a demanding job. There is often no time for working out. That's something you need to do something about, especially if you have public health and sports in your portfolio. Therefore, minister Edith Schippers has a deskbike. "Calling and cycling goes perfectly together." She noticed the "thing" on her department. A real deskbike, for cycling behind your desk. At first, Schippers wasn't sure if she should get one. A device like that costs money of course. But she came around eventually. Now she can show off her deskbike -of Dutch manufacturing- behind her desk in her office on the fifth floor of her ministry. " Read article
At Accenture, a health-oriented policy has greatly reduced sick leave, which resulted in a savings of 235,000 Euros a year. Lieke Wolfraad tries to get her 2,600 colleagues to exercise as part of "fit@work". This seems to be successful. The treadmills are well made use of, and employees are making miles on their deskbikes." Read article
OFFICE / We are spending more and more time sitting at work, even though research shows that it leads to depression, heart attacks, and diabetes. Sitting has been declared a modern occupational hazard. There is something that can be done about this (no, it is not going to the gym more often). A sit-stand desk, a deskbike, a Swopper, and a Steppie, advisor Stephan van der Steen counts. He has been using them for two months now and combines them. At first, it took some getting used to, but now he jumps around from one to the other and his productivity benefits greatly. Worktrainer has matched Elsevier with various clients. Read article
In his show "Rinkeldekinkel", Jeroen van Inkel declared December 18th to be national "Sitting is the new smoking-day". That is why the newsreader was put on a Deskbike.
Specially for Koefnoen, Worktrainer furnished the Endemol studio with active furniture.
Exercising in class: something that doesn't happen enough in schools. A missed opportunity, research from the UMC Groningen and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen shows. Researchers studied the effects of exercising during class for a couple of years. They concluded that children can focus more on their tasks and remember them better when they were active. The Prins Willem-Alexanderschool in Nijkerk is one of those schools that offers exercise in the classroom, with active furniture from Worktrainer. Children aren't hunched over their books during their classes, but are biking and jumping to their heart's desire.
Everyone gets a deskbike! The Faculty of Economics and Business is doing a pilot with deskbikes. Five employees are sitting on a bike behind their desk every day. If this is a success, more will follow. Their first impression? ‘You stay more alert and productive.’
It's Monday afternoon, I'm at work and sitting on a bike. A deskbike behind a standing desk: it doesn't get more modern than that. On the display of the little computer on the table, I see that I have already paddled away 400 calories today. If I make a habit of alternating biking and standing working, I will soon be the fittest girl in the office... Read article
Sitting often is not good for your health. A growing amount of research proves this. Companies are adjusting their office floors accordingly. For instance, with fewer chairs in the cafeteria. Before Ingrid Hendriksen starts checking her emails in the morning, she moves her exercise bike underneath her desk. And if she receives a call, she gets up and walks around the office floor. Being a researcher for TNO, she has a sedentary occupation, yet she keeps the sitting to a minimum. That this researcher is so active and wishes to sit still as little as possible, is not strange. She researches sedentary behaviour for TNO. Or simpler said: sitting behaviour. Read article
'"I walk about 1.5 kilometres when I'm at work. I do that for about 2 hours every day." That easily makes 3 kilometres a day, 15 kilometres a week, 60 a month. That is a pretty decent amount of exercise for someone with a desk job. "It's a good tempo, you can still work behind the computer and make phone calls," Kees Vaes, editor for the scientific publisher John Benjamins in Amsterdam, explains. "It's good to stay active for me, I have back problems. Sitting behind a desk all day is unpleasant for me. When I read about the Walkdesk, I thought, what a great idea!" ' Read article
If it was up to "exercise professor" Erik Scherder, there would be bikes in all classrooms tomorrow, so that kids could exercise their legs. Because exercise not only keeps your child physically fit, it also brings their brain in top condition. By the way, it also makes an enormous difference for anyone that's older. It improves your memory and problem-solving skills, to name a few benefits. "Everything goes better when you exercise."' Read article
Standing meetings and cycling while working behind the computer are trends that have blown over from Australia, where there is a considerable scientific interest in the long-term health effects of sedentary work. Over there, a lot of research is being done into the metabolic changes caused by sitting. The results are worrying: it's no coincidence that sitting is called the new smoking. Fortunately, innovative solutions have been invented because of all the attention for this issue. The GGD intends to experiment with two of those solutions the coming month: the sit-stand desk and the deskbike. Read article
It is impossible for him to sit still. Even when on De Wereld Draait Door, he keeps getting up. This week, he presented his new book, in which he describes that notorious couch potatoes and office clerks run as many health risks as smokers do. He pleads: get up and start exercising, if necessary, cycle during a meeting and take a walk while you have your lunch. Even chewing better already makes a difference. Sven Kockelmann on the wake-up call from Professor Erik Scherder. Are you interested in a modern workstation? Check out the A270 sit-stand desk and the Deskbike.
Exercising is not just healthy for the body, it also keeps your mind nimble. Neuropsychologist Erik Scherder promises that if you exercise for half an hour, the risk of dementia decreases. Professor Scherder himself cycles from home to work and back, keeping a fast pace. That is a good hour a day. To get some exercise at work, he uses the deskbike. "The good news is that 40% of Dutch people exercises enough, but the trends are worrisome: inactivity and laziness. Outside of the house, we get around by car, and at work we take the elevator, followed by a day of sitting behind the computer. Come evening time, the lust to get some exercise is gone. That's no surprise, because the frontal lobe of the brain -where our motivation and our initiative comes from- is well put to sleep by then." Read article
Giel Beelen broke the world record for non-stop radio making. But how do you that when you continuously sit down to work for 198 hours? There was a hometrainer in the studio, but from there, Giel couldn't do his show. Worktrainer called Giel while he was on air and presented the solution: the deskbike. You can just put that underneath your desk and then exercise while you work..
Officials at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS) can read a policy piece while paddling away a few kilometres on their deskbike. "It is healthy to regularly change your work posture," Mariken Leurs, director of Sports at VWS, explains. "Your blood circulation is better when you are biking than in a static sitting position."
Sedentary life is lethal, research shows. And that is bad news for us: of all Europeans, the Dutch sit the most. More and more research indicates the long-term health risks of sitting for prolonged periods. It often leads to an increased chance of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. EenVandaag presents a conversation with Hidde van der Ploeg, who studies the long-term health risks of sitting for prolonged periods, and Peter-Jan Mol, advisor at the Dutch Institute for Sports and Exercise.
Employees of the hardware and software supplier Oracle have opted for workstations with a desk bike. With this they can hit two birds with one stone: work on their condition and earn money at the same time! Read the article
That insufficient physical exercise entails serious health risks has been known for some time. It is still almost unknown that long sitting (sedentary behavior) also has health risks, regardless of whether someone is exercising or exercising enough. Our work, in particular, is an important source of long sitting, which means that we can speak of a new occupational risk. It is generally known that sedentary work combined with inadequate physical exercise has a relatively high risk of absenteeism and slower recovery, and a proactive policy in this area can also result in the employer making money. Think, for example, of interrupting long sitting by standing or walking for a while. Sitting tables can also make an important contribution to reducing sitting behavior. Read article
By exercising behind the computer, an employee can work on their health without their job performance being affected by it. In fact, reading goes over 30% faster when you are active, as opposed to sitting still. TNO studied whether, and how, performance is affected, when the computer work is combined with a healthy amount of physical activity. For over 5 million Dutch people who only sit or stand during their work, exercise at work might help to combat overweight and reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Read the article
Employees who regularly bike to work are sick less often. In a year, they call in sick a full day less than their non-biking colleagues. If employers in the Netherlands actively encourage biking to work, this could save them 27 million annually, TNO research shows. For this study, they assumed an active employed population of 7.4 million people with an average of 280 Euros of absenteeism costs per day. Of the 799 participating employees, 32% often bikes to work (at least 3 times a week). Their health proved to be the most important reason to bike to work. (Do you not have the opportunity to bike to work? Then bike AT work, with the deskbike.) Read article
Did you know that you can jump on the trampoline behind your desk? Yes really, jumping trampoline while you work. Okay, not really a summersault, but you can do all kinds of exercises on the trampoline that keep you moving, balancing is good for your body! Why on the trampoline? A NASA study: Dr. A. Bhattacharya concludes in his research that with trampoline jumping, or rather 'balance' on a trampoline you can train your whole body, while this does not put extra pressure on the muscles, joints and tendons. This is of course very useful if you want to rapidly train at work, without using many attributes. Even more benefits of training on a trampoline: Helps with weight loss because fat tissue burning The metabolism (digestion) increases Friendly for your back and intervertebral discs Minimum to no strain on the...
Why should I start with the deskbike? That is of course the key question! The deskbike makes it possible to get fit during working hours. No more hassle with racing back and forth to the gym for that one half hour of cardio. Do you want to exercise, but preferably during a telephone appointment? Or just because you want to become fitter? Just cycle on your deskbike during your working time! How do you start with the deskbike? The biggest mistake you can make is to spend a lot of hours on the deskbike. You exhaust yourself right away, while your body is not used to so much exercising yet. You will notice that your training has a great impact on your body in the beginning. With little training you make great progress, or the 'super compensation curve' is very big in the beginning. " What should you do? This...
'Sitting is the new smoking' is the slogan of years to come. Nowadays everybody wants to live healthier, at home but also at work. Herewith 5 tips you can do, next to buying a deskbike, of course. 1. Start your day moving. How do you go to work? By car, bicycle or public transport? Can you leave the car and walk to a bus stop nearby? (Of course, in the pouring rain, you're quite right to drive). Stop a bus stop earlier or park the car a bit further away. 2. Get up to get a drink at work and drink enough water! Do not put big bottle of water on your desk, especially because it means you don't have reason to stand up! Get a glass of water or tea every hour. Perhaps sometimes some coffee, but of course in moderation. As a result, you stand up more, not only to get your drink, but also to walk to the toilet!...