Worktrainer was founded in 2012 by us, Joost and Martijn Bary. We are brothers. How did we come up with the idea of the Deskbike? Joost already didn't like to sit still. And particulary during his work. For example, he thought of converting our mother's exercise bike into a desk bike. This allowed him to work actively, at a bar table. And so our first Deskbike was born. In 2013 we got a patent for our invention. An unforgettable moment. We learned alot in the early days. For example, we discovered that our first customers could not use their Deskbikes properly. The reason? They sat behind a regular sitting desk. That is why from that moment on we started making sit-stand desks and other active tools. This way you can still work in a high position.
Nowadays you come across our Deskbikes more and more often within companies. They are even sold in India! Look for points of sale near you at We haven't sat still since 2013. In fact, Worktrainer is currently the market leader in active furniture. We create complete workplaces - for home and office - where people sit less and move more during work. Our mission makes you Happy: working can always be nicer, healthier and more fun.
Will you get active with us?